server cables 500pxServer as data storage for electronic registration system of traditional knowledge and expertise on the monument construction and conservation technologies

Responsible Partner: Institute for the Protection of Cultural Heritage of Slovenia (ZVKDS)

The data server is the necessary hardware including software for the new electronic databank traditional knowledge and expertise about the fortified buildings and architecture in CE. It shall be the first centralised, trans-national electronic databank (electronic registration system) for original technologies, traditional handicrafts and materials used for the construction of fortress monuments. It is an instrument dedicated to research, knowledge saving and knowledge transfer.

This data server is directly linked with the activity 6.4: new capacities to save traditional knowledge and expertise and the core output 6.4.2 Development and Installation of databank traditional knowledge.

The server needs to be equipped with special technics and capability which require clearing during its development process.

 European Regional Development Fund

This project is implemented by the CENTRAL EUROPE Programme
co-financed by the ERDF.

 European Union

Forte Cultura Project Newsletter 1, 2013

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