During an event of the University of Pula as member of the South East European EU funding project ADRIFORT on 15th and 16th September 2013 in Pula / Croatia, ICOMOS / ICOFORT expert and co-developer of the Central European EU funding project FORTE CULTURA Dr.-Ing. Hans-Rudolf Neumann was invited as speaker. He held a lecture about Pula's fortification system and the possibility for Pula to be on UNESCO World Heritage List. Dr. Neumann expressed on this occasion his hope for further co-operation between ADRIFORT and FORTE CULTURA.
Foto (from left to right): Dr.-Ing. Hans-Rudolf Neumann [FORTE CULTURA], Prof. Dr. Ivan Jurković, mr.sc. Barbara Unković and Sanja Biberić, Juraj Dobrila [University of Pula], Mr. Diego Paganini [Veneto Region], Mrs. Iva Pamić [City of Pula], Mrs. Klara Udovičić [City of Pula], Prof. Andrea Bonifacio [Marco Polo System G.E.I.E., Venice].