Some participants of the excursion group in front of a fortified castle Turjak with their travel guide Aleksander Potocnik. The tour was planned and organised by Ad Pirum Institute / Logatec.During an official tour of Slovenia that took place between August 31st and September 8th 2013 we were able to visit, in some cases for the very first time, many fortified places, castles, and other hidden fortified objects that for a majority of ordinary visitors of Slovenia still remain a secret.

To a culture tourist Slovenia provides not only strongholds and other reminders for historic events and wars (most famous and impressive are the Isonzo lines near the Italian border), but also an unforgettable and untouched landscapes, architectural and technical monuments, excellent restaurants and rich cultural programmes. Participants of the tour came from Germany, Austria, Switzerland and the Netherlands.

Owners of several fortified monuments asked for a membership in FORTE CULTURA.

Photo on the left shows some participants of the excursion group in front of a fortified castle Turjak with their travel guide Aleksander Potocnik. The tour was planned and organised by Ad Pirum Institute / Logatec.


 European Regional Development Fund

This project is implemented by the CENTRAL EUROPE Programme
co-financed by the ERDF.

 European Union

Forte Cultura Project Newsletter 1, 2013

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