Identification of historic technologies for appropriate fortress conservation

Output 6.2.1 - Identification of fortress relicts with modern technical procedures

Institute for the Protection of Cultural Heritage of Slovenia / Conservation Centre / Centre for Preventive Archaeology

Authors: dr. Matija Cresnar, Uros Kosir, dr. Dimitrij Mlekuz

June 2013 - PDF file (6 MB) - download

Architectural research report: Revitalisation of the King Bastion - a part of the Kostrzyn Fortress - for cultural purposes

Output: 6.2.2 - Revitalisation of the King Bastion (Kostrzyn) for cultural purposes

City Kostrzyn nad Odra

Author: Janusz Nekanda-Trepka, MSc Eng architect

February 2014 - PDF file (3 MB) - download

Pre-investment activity: Development of exemplary technical conception for stabilization of fortress construction for the planned national information centre

Output 6.2.4 - Pre-investment: Exemplary technical conception for stabilization

Thuringian Institute for Advanced Studies reg. ass. (TIAW e.V.), Erfurt

Authors: Dr. Katrin Langer, Dr. Detlef Wahl

PDf file (6 MB) - download

Guideline for nature protection in fortress systems

Output 6.2.6

Responsible: Humboldt University at Berlin

Authors: PD Dr. agr. habil. Frank Riesbeck, M.Sc. agr. Veikko Junghans

Faculty of Life Science: Albrecht Daniel Thaer Institute for Agricultural- and Horticultural Science

Berlin, December 2014

This publication wants to give practitioners and experts of fortress maintenance, reconstruction and monument protection assistance for planning and carrying out their tasks from an ecological perspective. As well this publication shall enhance the knowledge among the addressed group about reasons of situations they are often confronted with. The authors know that not all conflicts will be solved by this publication, but it shall stimulate the discussion between monument and nature protection organisations and their implementation bodies and hopefully mitigate observed conflicts.

This publication is a result of the Central Europe Project Forte Cultura and concludes findings and field research results of almost 10 years, which have been carried out by students and staff of the Humboldt University at Berlin and other experts, on the topic of nature conservation and protection in European fortresses.

PDF file [9,1 MB] - download



Evaluation of the concept of conservation knowledge exchange, detailing of the activities for transnational knowledge exchange and setting tasks for knowledge keeping

Output 6.3.2: Workpackage 6 Meeting – Knowledge Transfer

Date: 7th November 2013

Location: Ljubljana, Slovenija

PROTOCOL (MINUTES) - PDF file [0,9 MB] - download


The Historic and Traditional Technology, Knowledge and Expertise, Fortress Construction
Outputs: 6.1.5, 6.3.3

The form was prepared by Forte Cultura project partner Institute for Protection of Cultural Heritage of Slovenia and the associate partner, Ad Pirum Institute in the year 2013.

PDF file [0,5 MB] - download

Transnational research and monitoring programme knowledge saving CE-fortresses

Output 6.3.3

Development of trans-national monitoring and research programme to observe and save traditional knowledge and expertise to fortress heritage in CE, joint monitoring of knowledge progress and implementation in education.

PDF file [0,5 MB] - download

Workshop to develop proposals for new curricula, education and training

Output 6.3.4: Transnational Workshop – development of training tools for traditional knowledge - Training Session - best practice of traditional knowledge

Date: 27th May 2014

Location: Ljubljana, Slovenija, Restoration Centre of the Institute for the Protection of Cultural Heritage of Slovenia 

PROTOCOL - PDF file [0,6 MB] - download

Training session for experts, public monument administrations and organisations

Output 6.3.5: Transnational Training Session - best practice of traditional knowledge

Date: 28th May 2014

Location: Ljubljana / Slovenija, Restoration Centre of the Institute for the Protection of Cultural Heritage of Slovenia

PROTOCOL - PDF file [0,3 MB] - download

Handbook of typical historic technologies of fortress constructions

Output 6.3.6

Saving of European cultural heritage fortified monuments in Central Europe

Editors: Aleksander Jankovič Potočnik, Matej Zupančič, Anton Marn

Ljubljana - Zavod za varstvo kulturne dediščine Slovenije, 2015

ISBN 978-961-6902-78-6

Publication: Ljubljana, November 2014

PDF file [15,1 MB] - download


TaCKeDat, a databank of traditional knowledge and expertises about the fortified buildings and architecture in Central Europe

Output: 6.4.2 - Traditional Conservation Knowledge Databank - click here



The Historic and Traditional Technology, Knowledge and Expertise, Fortress Construction
Outputs: 6.1.5, 6.3.3

The form was prepared by Forte Cultura project partner Institute for Protection of Cultural Heritage of Slovenia and the associate partner, Ad Pirum Institute in the year 2013.

PDF file (0,5 MB) - download



 European Regional Development Fund

This project is implemented by the CENTRAL EUROPE Programme
co-financed by the ERDF.

 European Union

Forte Cultura Project Newsletter 1, 2013

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City Kostrzyn nad Odrą
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