In the focus of the 2nd network conference of the project Forte Cultura, held in the fortress Hohensalzburg on the 25th June 2013, there was the development progress of culture route Forte Cultura from the Baltic to the Adriatic Sea being discussed.
The Project Partners reflexed upon introducing the Cultural Heritage of Central Europe onto the market. The responsible project partner for the culture route development and marketing, ECCOFORT reg.ass. Berlin, offered achieved status of development and key points for the new tourist brand Forte Cultura. 29 representatives of the Central European fortified heritage from 8 European countries exchanged the experiences and opinions.
All the invited representatives of fortresses engaged themselves in analysing of the Cultural Route Forte Cultura creation together with the issue of introducing the Cultural Heritage of Central Europe onto the market. Mr Maximilian Brunner hosted the meeting and presented its participants with the Fortress Hohensalzburg as an integral part of UNESCO World Cultural Heritage so important for Cultural Touristic Sector.
The possibilities of cooperation between the culture route Forte Cultura and the Austrian culture route Via Imperialis were discussed during the meeting as a special matter. It also turned out that there are many chances for new synergies and common benefits. The project partner Kronach offers a model for regional fortress cooperation in Franconia under the label Forte Cultura as well.
During the meeting there were discussed attractiveness and value of the touristic sector, implementation of cultural heritage of fortresses and monuments into the touristic market together with profits concerning international cooperation.
The participants of the conference discussed Cultural Routes, their impact on the touristic sector and its enrichment according to that fact, the marketing process of the cultural heritage, instruments needed to implement international marketing strategies of the cultural heritage into the market and cooperation possibilities among the fortresses.
The representative of the European Institute of Cultural Routes, Mr Sorina Capp, presented the experiences of the INTERREG IV-C project CERTESS and gave some hints on high quality culture route development, being the most successful in running 27 culture routes in Europe.
The next Network conference will take placein Jaromer-Josefov / CZ in December 2013.