Strengthening effects of fortified heritage for urban, rural, cultural and social development
Project aims
Implementation of fortified heritage into urban modernisation:
- to enhance the attractiveness and identity of cities and regions;
- to increasing of the cultural and social quality in people's mind by modern utilisation of the heritage
4.1 Exploration of transnational knowledge and definition on development tasks
4.2 Implementation of fortified heritage into cities and regions modernisation
4.3 Fortified heritage enhance the cultural and social identity and involve citizens
4.4 Transnational Information System and databank CE fortified heritage
4.5 Creation of route management and institution building
4.6 Knowledge transfer to development effects of fortified heritage
Most important Results
- Studies and documentation to implementation of fortified heritage into cities and to attract the regions culture tourism
- Conference to special development problems of fortified cities (Josefov)
- Databank and Transnational Information System of Central Europe fortified heritage
- Pilot Investment: connection of fortresses via waterways (Kostrzyn nad Odra)
- Summing up conference integration strategies of fortified heritage into development of cities and regions (Province of Verona)
Province of Verona
Most involved Partner
Kostrzyn nad Odra
TIAW Erfurt
Associated Institution
Hungarian Travel Agencies
Austrian State Department Monument Protection Salzburg